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Pokemon: Amora

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Pokemon: Amora Empty Pokemon: Amora

Post  Ventus3 Sun Jun 15, 2008 2:26 pm

Name of Pokemon: Amora
Description of Pokemon: It is a cat-like creature that has a long tail with pink hearts on it. It has a slightly pink pelt and stands at two feet tall and five feet long *it's tail is three feet long*. It jumps around the city, using its speed to navigate through the city and suburbs it lives in. It can charm people into giving it food and shelter.
Type of Pokemon: Infatuation/ electric
Pokemon's HP: 120
Official Pokemon Fan
Official Pokemon Fan

Number of posts : 136
Location : A place they call, the imagination.
Registration date : 2008-06-07

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Pokemon: Amora Empty Re: Pokemon: Amora

Post  DarkQuil Sun Jun 15, 2008 2:31 pm

Official Pokemon Fan
Official Pokemon Fan

Number of posts : 263
Location : Shadow Force Hideout
Registration date : 2008-06-02


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